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Terry Contracting Pty Ltd

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Our Story

Terry Contracting is in the mining and contracting business, providing equipment hire and mine site rehabilitation services throughout Western Australia.

What We Do

At Terry Contracting Pty Ltd, our experienced mining contractors are more than ready to provide you with quality services, such as but not limited to:

  • Loader Hire Services
  • Drill Lines/Sumps
  • Rehab
  • Any Loader Requirements
  • Exploration

With a workshop facility based in Kalgoorlie, we are well-equipped to tackle any job given.

Why choose Terry Contracting Pty Ltd?

Terry Contracting Pty Ltd ensures you get reliable and quality loader hire services. We are committed to a proactive and innovative approach to our people, equipment and safety. Feel free to contact our professional team at 9022 3107 or 0428 681 048.


Localities Kalgoorlie-Boulder
ABN 30 095 575 947
ACN 095 575 947
Keywords mine rehabilitation, mining rehabilitation, australian mining rehabilitation, post mining rehabilitation, drill line sumps, loader hire and exploration, loader hire and drill lines, rehab loader, equipment hire & mine site rehab, mine site rehabilitation and loader hire, mine site loader hire services, mine exploration and loader hire, mining loader hire and drill lines, mine site drill lines and sumps, mine site loader hire services, professional equipment hire and mine site rehabilitation, loader hire and exploration services, mine site rehabilitation services, environmental rehabilitation companies, mine site restoration, land rehabilitation services, loader hire services, loader operator hire, loader equipment leasing, loader attachments for hire, loader rental rates, loader hire near me, mine rehabilitation contractors, loader hire for mining projects, loader hire for construction projects, loader equipment for earthworks, loader hire for land clearing, loader attachments for material handling, loader hire for bulk material transport, loader hire for site preparation, loader hire for infrastructure projects, loader hire for quarrying activities, loader hire for mine site remediation, topsoil management and supply, rehabilitation compliance services
Mining Exploration
Mining Loader Hire
Mining Minesite Rehabilitation
Mining Drilling Contractors
Terry Contracting.jpg
Terry Contracting - PRINT FILE.pdf
29th April 2024
Mining operations in Kalgoorlie encompass a wide range of activities, from initial exploration and site preparation to production and eventual mine closure and rehabilitation. Partnering with a truste ...Read more
8th June 2023
Terry Contracting overcame challenges, established a reputation for reliability, and became one of the go-to providers for top-quality mining rehabilitation and exploration clearing services in the WA ...Read more
15th June 2022
If you’re looking for reputable mining contractors in Western Australia that cater to your specific needs and requirements, Terry Contracting Pty Ltd is the company to call! For more information on th ...Read more
6th December 2021
Looking for a mining contractor in Kalgoorlie that provides excellent services without compromising safety and work downtime? Terry Contracting Pty Ltd is the best choice for you. Click here to find o ...Read more